The oxidation of sulfur in alkali soil and its effect on the replaceable bases
Charles Danziger SamuelsPublication Information
Hilgardia 3(1):1-26. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v03n01p001. May 1927.
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Historical Introduction
Numerous investigators have observed that many of the unfavorable physical and chemical properties of alkali soils are caused by a displacement of the normal soil bases. This displacement is brought about by the predominant bases of the soluble salts in the soil. In the treatment of alkali soils it is important, therefore, to bring about a reversal of this process to the end that the normal relationship of the replaceable bases may be ultimately restored. Various materials have been used for this purpose. Sulfur is of interest in this connection, since by its oxidation the necessary chemical changes may be brought about.
There are two sets of factors to be considered in the use of sulfur on alkali soils. First, the conditions influencing the oxidation, such as the effect of the soluble salts, varying alkaline reaction, aeration, etc. Second, the effect of the oxidation product, sulfuric acid, upon the soil. Previous studies on the oxidation of sulfur in alkali soils have been very limited and little is known concerning the influence of the concentration of sodium salts, alkalinity, etc., upon the speed of the reaction.
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