A study of resistance to western yellow blight of tomato varieties
James W. LesleyAuthor Affiliations
James W. Lesley was Assistant in genetics.Publication Information
Hilgardia 2(3):47-66. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v02n03p047. September 1926.
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Western yellow blight is an important disease of tomatoes prevalent in certain regions west of the Rocky Mountains. In California the loss from this disease is very heavy in certain years; for instance, in 1925 tomato growers in the interior valleys of central California lost from 75 to 95 per cent of their crop from this cause. In this paper, for brevity, “western yellow blight” is called “blight.”
The practicability of controlling blight by the use of resistant varieties seems worthy of thorough consideration. The object of the present work is the discovery of varieties well adapted to the conditions where blight is severe or the development of such varieties by breeding. The present paper reports the reaction of certain varieties to blight, the results of three years’ work on selection for blight resistance and some results of hybridization.
It was found that the varieties Dwarf Champion, Dwarf Aristocrat, Red Pear, and certain strains selected for blight resistance, are more resistant than the standard commercial varieties Stone and Santa Clara Canner. In a blight attack of moderate severity the resistant varieties and certain selected lines are about 25 per cent less susceptible than the standard varieties, but in attacks of extreme severity in early summer all of these have been nearly 100 per cent blighted.
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