University of California

New controls investigated for vine mealybug


Raksha Malakar-Kuenen
Walter J. Bentley
Kent M. Daane
Carmen Gispert
Chuck A. Ingels
Jocelyn G. Millar
Ed A. Weber
Vaughn M. Walton

Publication Information

Hilgardia 60(1):31-38. DOI:10.3733/ca.v060n01p31. January 2006.

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The vine mealybug is a newly invasive pest that has spread throughout California's extensive grape-growing regions. Researchers are investigating new control tools to be used in combination with or as an alternative to standard organophosphate insecticide controls. Insect growth regulators and nicotine-based insecticides provide good alternative pesticides for use in some vineyards. Ongoing studies on the augmentative release of natural enemies and mating disruption also show promise, but commercial products are not yet available to growers.


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Malakar-Kuenen R, Bentley W, Daane K, Gispert C, Ingels C, Millar J, Weber E, Walton V. 2006. New controls investigated for vine mealybug. Hilgardia 60(1):31-38. DOI:10.3733/ca.v060n01p31
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