University of California

Several fungicides control powdery mildew in peppers


Krishna Subbarao
Frank Laemmlen
Steven T. Koike
Richard F. Smith
Mike Davis

Authors Affiliations

K. Subbarao is Extension Plant Pathologists, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis; F. Laemmlen is Farm Advisor, Santa Barbara County; S.T. Koike is Farm Advisors, Monterey County; R.F. Smith is Farm Advisors, Monterey County; M. Davis is Extension Plant Pathologists, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 53(6):40-43. DOI:10.3733/ca.v053n06p40. November 1999.

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In the early 1990s, powdery mildew became a recurring problem on chili peppers and bell peppers in all production districts in California. Growers were initially unprepared to deal with the disease. Research has shown that several fungicides can control this disease. Sulfur is most effective as a preventive fungicide. In variety trials, four experimental varieties were significantly less susceptible to powdery mildew than the standard commercial variety. Genetic resistance is likely to eventually be incorporated into commercial bell pepper varieties.

Further reading

Blazquez CH. A powdery mildew of chilli caused by Oidiopsis sp. Phytopathology. 1976. 66:1155-7.

Correll JC, Gordon TR, Elliott VJ. Host range, specificity, and biometical measurements of Leveillula taurica in California. Plant Disease. 1987. 71:248-51. https://doi.org/10.1094/PD-71-0248

Hartz TK, LeStrange M, Mayberry K, Smith RF. Bell Pepper Production in California. Vegetable Research and Information Center, Vegetable Production Series. DANR Publication 7217 1996.

Reuveni R, Rotem J. Epidemics of Leveillula taurica on tomatoes and peppers as affected by the conditions of humidity. Phytopathology. 1973. 76:153-7.

Smith RF, Laemmlen F, Koike ST, Subbarao K. Strategies to control powdery mildew. Pepper News. 1998. 6:4-

Subbarao K, Laemmlen F, Koike S, Smith R, Davis M. 1999. Several fungicides control powdery mildew in peppers. Hilgardia 53(6):40-43. DOI:10.3733/ca.v053n06p40
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