Earlier irrigation cutoff for sugarbeets conserves water
Gary R. PetersonStephen R. Kaffka
Don Kirby
Authors Affiliations
G.R. Peterson is Staff Research Associate, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis; S.R. Kaffka is Extension Agronomist, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis; D. Kirby is Acting Superintendent, Intermountain Research and Extension Center, Tulelake.Publication Information
Hilgardia 52(1):21-24. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n01p21. January 1998.
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In the Tulelake region near the Oregon border, sugarbeets are grown on organic soil reclaimed from a shallow lake. Groundwater is present continuously through-out the season at depths of approximately 4 feet in most fields. Typically, beets planted in April and May are irrigated until mid-September and harvested in October. However, environmental restrictions may reduce farm water supplies in the future. To determine whether sugarbeets can be grown with less irrigation water, five irrigation cutoff treatments were applied to replicated large plots at approximately 2-week intervals starting in mid-july in 1995 and 1996. Results from these trials suggest that farmers can save 4 to 6 inches of irrigation water by cutting off irrigation to sugarbeet crops 6 to 7 weeks before harvest under these soil and climate conditions.
Ghariani SA. Impact of variable water supply on yield-determining parameters and seasonal water use efficiency of sugar beets. 1981. UC Davis: 153. PhD thesis
Henderson DWF, Hills FJ, Loomis RS, Nourse EF. Soil moisture conditions, nutrient uptake and growth of sugarbeets as related to method of irrigation on an organic soil. J Am Soc Sugar Beet Tech. 1968. 15:35-48.
Hills FJ, Winter SR, Henderson DW, Stewart BA, Nielson DR. Sugarbeet. Irrigation of agricultural crops 1990. Madison, WI: Amer Soc Agron. pp.795-810.
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