Study demonstrates ozone uptake by SJV crops
J. Ian MacPhersonWilliam J. Massman
James Pederson
David A. Grantz
Authors Affiliations
J. I. MacPherson is Program Manager, Atmospheric Geoscience at the Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa; W. J. Massman is Meteorologist, US. Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colorado; J. Pederson is Atmospheric Scientist, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento; D. A. Grantz is Extension Air Quality Specialist, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, and Plant Physiologist, Statewide Air Pollution Research Center, UC Riverside, located at the Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier.Publication Information
Hilgardia 48(4):9-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v048n04p9. July 1994.
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The California Ozone Deposition Experiment, using Instruments mounted In an airplane and on the ground, shows that agricultural land in the San Joaquin Vailey removes large amounts of ozone from valley air. The most active pathway Is uptake through sto-mata In plant leaves, the process leading to crop yield losses. Other pathways, Including ozone destruction on leaf, stem and soil surfaces, are slower but very important on a valley-wide basis. Ozone deposition to crops may have a slgnlflcant Impact on air qualify, and should be considered when farmland Is converted to urban uses that contribute more to ozone production and less to ozone removal.
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