University of California

Imported fire ants: potential risk to California


Vernard R. Lewis
Laura D. Merrill
Thomas H. Atkinson
Joanne S. Wasbauer

Authors Affiliations

V. R. Lewis is Assistant Extension Entomologist, Department of Entomological Sciences, UC Berkeley; L. D. Merrill is Entomologist, Forest Pest Management, USD A Forest Service, San Francisco; T. H. Atkinson is Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, UC Riverside; J. S. Wasbauer is Associate Economic Entomologist, Exotic Pest Analysis Unit, Division of Plant Industry, CDFA, Sacramento.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 46(1):29-31. DOI:10.3733/ca.v046n01p29. January 1992.

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Since the first general detection surveys for imported fire ants in California in 1987, 758 intercepts among the state's 16 border inspection stations have been recorded. One colony discovered at a nursery in Santa Barbara in 1988 was successfully eradicated. With more traffic expected into California, it is likely that interceptions and localized eradication efforts for imported fire ants will increase.

Lewis V, Merrill L, Atkinson T, Wasbauer J. 1992. Imported fire ants: potential risk to California. Hilgardia 46(1):29-31. DOI:10.3733/ca.v046n01p29
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