University of California

Sidebar: Is “free trade” really free?: How the FTA will affect California agriculture


Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda
Sherman Robinson
Kirby S. Moulton

Authors Affiliations

R. Hinojosa-Ojeda is Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA; S. Robinson is Professor and Cooperative Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UCB; K. S. Moulton is Cooperative Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UCB.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 45(5):7-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v045n05p7. September 1991.

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Abstract Not Available – First paragraph follows:

While the accompanying article discusses potential free-trade impacts on agriculture as a whole, it does not focus on individual industries. Within each agricultural sector there will be winners and losers. Much attention in California has focused on the potential losses in the domestic production of vegetables caused by increased imports of such products from Mexico. One difficulty in assessing the impact of such production and trade shifts is the lack of adequate data to permit sound analysis. Therefore, much of what is concluded is based on structural descriptions and opinions about relevant economic relationships.

Hinojosa-Ojeda R, Robinson S, Moulton K. 1991. Sidebar: Is “free trade” really free?: How the FTA will affect California agriculture. Hilgardia 45(5):7-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v045n05p7
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