University of California

Effect of fungicides on shot hole disease of almonds


Beth L. Teviotdale
Mario Viveros
Mark W. Freeman
G. Steven Sibbett

Authors Affiliations

Beth L. Teviotdale is Extension Plant Pathologist, University of California, Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier; Mario Viveros is Farm Advisor, Kern County; Mark W. Freeman is Farm Advisor, Fresno County; G. Steven Sibbett is Farm Advisor, Tulare County.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 43(3):21-23. DOI:10.3733/ca.v043n03p21. May 1989.

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Several registered fungicides evaluated over a 7-year period in the southern San Joaquin Valley controlled the disease on fruit. Captan, captatol, and ziram preceded by dormant copper provided the most consistent control. Fungicides protected against yield losses in a heavy-disease year but had no effect on yields when the disease was not prevalent.

Teviotdale B, Viveros M, Freeman M, Sibbett G. 1989. Effect of fungicides on shot hole disease of almonds. Hilgardia 43(3):21-23. DOI:10.3733/ca.v043n03p21
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