The economic effects of salinity and drainage problems
Dennis WichelnsRichard E. Howitt
Gerald L. Horner
Daniel Nelson
Authors Affiliations
Dennis Wichelns is Assistant Professor, Department of Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston; Richard E. Howitt is Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis; Gerald L. Horner is Agricultural Economist, Davis, CA; Daniel Nelson is Manager, San Luis Water District, Los Banos, California.Publication Information
Hilgardia 42(1):10-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v042n01p10. January 1988.
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Cropping patterns and yields change markedly
Wichelns D, Howitt R, Horner G, Nelson D. 1988. The economic effects of salinity and drainage problems. Hilgardia 42(1):10-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v042n01p10
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