University of California

Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta


G. T. Hoffman
E. V. Maas
Jewell L. Meyer
Terry L. Prichard
Donald R. Lancaster

Authors Affiliations

G.J. Hoffman is with the U.S. Salinity Laboratory, USDA/SEA-AR, Riverside; E.V. Maas is with the U.S. Salinity Laboratory, USDA/SEA-AR, Riverside; Jewell L. Meyer is Soil and Water Specialists, U.C. Cooperative Extension; Terry L. Prichard is Soil and Water Specialists, U.C. Cooperative Extension; Donald R. Lancaster is Staff Research Assistant, U.C. Cooperative Extension.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 33(11):11-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v033n11p11. November 1979.

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Hoffman G, Maas E, Meyer J, Prichard T, Lancaster D. 1979. Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta. Hilgardia 33(11):11-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v033n11p11
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