CUF 101, a new variety of alfalfa is resistant to the blue alfalfa aphid
William F. LehmanMervin W. Nielson
Ernest H. Stanford
Vern L. Marble
Authors Affiliations
William F. Lehman is Professor of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis, and Agronomist in the Experiment Station, at the Imperial Valley Field Station, El Centro; Mervin W. Nielson is Research Entomologist, Agriculture Research Service, U.S.D.A., Tucson, Arizona; Ernest H. Stanford is Professor of Agronomy, and Agronomist in the Experiment Station, U.C., Davis; Vern L. Marble is Extension Agronomist, U.C., Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 31(8):4-5. DOI:10.3733/ca.v031n08p4. August 1977.
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A new, resistant variety of alfalfa was quickly developed once the blue alfalfa aphid was recognized as a pest
Lehman W, Nielson M, Stanford E, Marble V. 1977. CUF 101, a new variety of alfalfa is resistant to the blue alfalfa aphid. Hilgardia 31(8):4-5. DOI:10.3733/ca.v031n08p4
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