University of California

Damage to fresh tomatoes can be reduced


Richard F. MaCLeod
Adel A. Kader
Leonard L. Morris

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Hilgardia 30(12):10-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v030n12p10. December 1976.

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Physical damage, which has a major effect on fruit quality and market loss of fresh market tomatoes, can occur throughout the distribution system between field and consumer. As part of an effort to improve retail quality of fresh tomatoes, studies were conducted to identify the type and amount of physical damage, factors that render fruits more susceptible to injury, and symptom development as related to temperature, storage, and fruit maturity.

MaCLeod R, Kader A, Morris L. 1976. Damage to fresh tomatoes can be reduced. Hilgardia 30(12):10-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v030n12p10
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