University of California

Handling seed cotton modules without pallets


Robert A. Kepner
Robert G. Curley

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Hilgardia 30(8):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v030n08p6. August 1976.

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Pallets used in the module system for handling and storing seed cotton are awkward to manage, are easily damaged, and represent a large capital investment. The Reynolds module mover, which first became commercially available in 1975, picks up and hauls cotton modules made directly on the ground. It is similar to haystack movers that have been available for several years. Palletless modules will remain intact through several loading and unloading cycles with the Reynolds mover.

Kepner R, Curley R. 1976. Handling seed cotton modules without pallets. Hilgardia 30(8):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v030n08p6
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