University of California

California's Citrus Variety Improvement Program


Walter Reuther
E. C. Calavan
Forrest Cress

Authors Affiliations

Walter Reuther is Professor of Horticulture and heads the Citrus Variety Improvement Program Committee, U.C. Riverside; E. C. Calavan is Professor of Plant Pathology, heads CVIP pathological work, and has served as the programs committee chairman, U.C. Riverside; Forrest Cress is Educational Communicator for Subtropical Horticulture, U.C. Riverside.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 29(8):9-10. DOI:10.3733/ca.v029n08p9. August 1975.

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California citrus growers and nurserymen today can draw from a unique bank that should be of progressively increasing value to them in future years as its holdings grow.

Reuther W, Calavan E, Cress F. 1975. California's Citrus Variety Improvement Program. Hilgardia 29(8):9-10. DOI:10.3733/ca.v029n08p9
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