Market news service: Should the user pay?
Kirby S. MoultonAuthor Affiliations
Kirby S. Moulton is Economist with Cooperative Extension, University of California, Berkeley.Publication Information
Hilgardia 29(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v029n01p14. January 1975.
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In recent years there has been great emphasis on reducing governmental expenditures at state and federal levels. Reductions have been sought through improved efficiency, elimination of low priority activities, and shifting costs to nongovernmental groups. This last strategy may be particularly applicable to the Federal-State Market News Service program, because many of its users and their commercial interests can be identified. This article discusses the implications of charging for market news services.
Moulton K. 1975. Market news service: Should the user pay?. Hilgardia 29(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v029n01p14
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