Prune maturity advancement with growth regulators
J. T. YeagerL. B. Fitch
G. S. Sibbett
R. H. Tyler
E. J. Roncoroni
D. E. Ramos
Authors Affiliations
J. T. Yeager is Extension Pomology Research Associate, University of California at Davis; L. B. Fitch is Farm Advisor, Sutter County; G. S. Sibbett is Farm Advisor, Tulare County; R. H. Tyler is County Director and Farm Advisor, Santa Cruz County, formerly Farm Advisor, San Benito County; E. J. Roncoroni is Extension Research Associate, University of California, Davis; D. E. Ramos is Extension Pomologist, University of California, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 27(12):13-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v027n12p13. December 1973.
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Of the 100,000 acres of prunes in California, approximately 95% are the French variety (Prunus domestica). This variety matures over a short period of time and must be harvested and dehydrated before quality and yield are reduced. This concentrated harvest season places an overload on harvesting and dehydrating equipment to process the fruit at optimum quality, especially in heavy crop years. One possibility for lengthening this harvest season is to advance fruit maturity in a portion of the orchard.
Yeager J, Fitch L, Sibbett G, Tyler R, Roncoroni E, Ramos D. 1973. Prune maturity advancement with growth regulators. Hilgardia 27(12):13-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v027n12p13
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