University of California

Short season cotton in the San Joaquin Valley


V. T. Walhood
D. L. West
R. E. Johnson

Authors Affiliations

V. T. Walhood is Research Plant Physiologist, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Shafter Cotton Research Station; David L. West is Farm Advisor, Kern County. This research was partially supported by grants from the California Planting Cotton Seed Distributors and Cotton Incorporated; R. E. Johnson is Assistant Specialist, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 27(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v027n01p14. January 1973.

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The threat of pink bollworm and yield decline in the San Joaquin Valley have prompted investigations into more efficient production practices to permit growing the crop in less time. Higher plant populations planted in rows narrower than the conventional 38–40-inch row spacings have a potential for shortening the fruiting period, a requirement for reducing the time it takes to grow the crop. Preliminary studies indicate that varieties developed specifically for this system of production will be needed.

Walhood V, West D, Johnson R. 1973. Short season cotton in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 27(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v027n01p14
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