Antitranspirants increase size, reduce shrivel of olive fruit
D. C. DavenportK. Uriu
P. E. Martin
R. M. Hagan
Authors Affiliations
D. C. Davenport is Assistant Research Water Scientist, University of California, Davis; K. Uriu is Pomologist, Dept. of Pomology, University of California, Davis; P. E. Martin is Staff Research Associate IV, University of California, Davis; R. M. Hagan is Professor of Water Science, in the Department of Water Science and Engineering; University of California, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 26(7):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v026n07p6. July 1972.
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Antitranspirants reduce plant water stress by decreasing water loss through the leaves of olive trees — thus increasing fruit growth. In areas, such as Northern California, where dry northerly winds occur, antitranspirants can markedly reduce the incidence of shrivelled fruit. The antitranspirants in this study were used on an experimental basis and have not yet received EPA approval, although efforts toward approval are being made. Therefore, the results presented indicate the potential of these materials for fruit sizing and are not intended as a recommendation at this stage.
Davenport D, Uriu K, Martin P, Hagan R. 1972. Antitranspirants increase size, reduce shrivel of olive fruit. Hilgardia 26(7):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v026n07p6
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