Systemic fungicides for control of fusarium corm rot of gladiolus
A. O. PaulusS. Besemer
F. Shibuya
J. Nelson
Authors Affiliations
Albert O. Paulus is Extension Plant Pathologist, University of California, Riverside; Seward Besemer is Farm Advisor, Agricultural Extension Service, San Diego county; F. Shibuya Extension Technicians, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Riverside; Jerry Nelson Extension Technicians, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Riverside.Publication Information
Hilgardia 25(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v025n01p14. January 1971.
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Benomyl and thiabendazole fungicides reduced the number of diseased plants and increased the number of flowers harvested when used to treat Fusarium-infected corms of gladiolus. In one trial, a 1-minute dip of benomyl was equal to a 20-minute dip of thiabendazole when comparing number of flowers harvested.
Paulus A, Besemer S, Shibuya F, Nelson J. 1971. Systemic fungicides for control of fusarium corm rot of gladiolus. Hilgardia 25(1):14-15. DOI:10.3733/ca.v025n01p14
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