University of California

Corporate farming in California


C. V. Moore
J. H. Snyder

Authors Affiliations

C. V. Moore is Agricultural Economist, Farm Production Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, stationed at the University of California, Davis; J. H. Snyder is Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Economist, U. C. Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 24(3):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v024n03p6. March 1970.

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Corporate farms tend to be larger, both in terms of acres of land operated and gross farm sales. California's farming corporations tend to concentrate in the intensive high-risk-capital enterprises. The rate of incorporation appears to have slowed considerably in the past three years. In the future, it is likely that existing corporations will expand the size of their present operations, along with some consolidation of smaller corporqtions through purchase by, or merger with, large diversified corporations. Also, as farms achieve a larger size, they will tend to adopt the corporate form of business organization.

Moore C, Snyder J. 1970. Corporate farming in California. Hilgardia 24(3):6-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v024n03p6
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