Foliar absorption of boron in sprinkler-irrigated citrus
L. H. StolzyR. B. Harding
R. L. Branson
Authors Affiliations
Lewis H. Stolzy is Associate Professor of Soil Physics; Robert B. Harding is Associate Soil Chemist in the Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition, University of California, Riverside; Ray L. Branson is Extension Soils and Water Specialist, University of California, Riverside.Publication Information
Hilgardia 20(6):6-7. DOI:10.3733/ca.v020n06p6. June 1966.
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Foliar absorption of salts from irrigation waters during sprinkler applications can result in accumulation of sufficient sodium and chloride ions to cause leaf burn and defoliation–as directly related to high temperatures, low humidity and water quality. An additional important factor in the accumulation of specific salts in leaves from irrigation waters is that more sodium and chloride are accumulated under intermittent type sprinkling than under continuous sprinkling. Intermittent sprinkling permits evaporation from leaf surfaces, thereby concentrating the salts in water films remaining on the leaves.
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