University of California

Dwarfing carnations with CCC for pot plant sales


A. M. Kofranek
R. H. Sciaroni
Y. J. Kubota

Authors Affiliations

A. M. Kofranek is Associate Professor of Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture; R. H. Sciaroni is Farm Advisor, San Mateo County; Y. J. Kubota is Laboratory Technician, University of California, Los Angeles.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 16(9):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v016n09p12. September 1962.

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Use of the growth retardant chemical CCC offers floriculturists the possibility of producing dwarfed carnations for potted plant sales along with the now-popular chrysanthemum and poinsettia plants. However, several problems remain to be solved before it can become a commercial practice. Plants treated either by soaking a rooted cutting or by soaking the soil vary greatly in height and flowering time. This means that until further research is conducted, plants should only be grown and treated in small containers where selections for sale can be made near the time of flowering.

Kofranek A, Sciaroni R, Kubota Y. 1962. Dwarfing carnations with CCC for pot plant sales. Hilgardia 16(9):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v016n09p12
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