University of California

California range plants: Key to improvement is knowledge and proper use of three easily distinguishable types of range plants


Merton R. Love
Dorman C. Sumner

Authors Affiliations

R. Merton Love is Professor of Agrononiy, University of California College of Agrirulture, Davis; Dorman C. Sumner is Assistant Specialist, University of Calilornia College of Agriculture, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 6(7):3-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v006n07p3. July 1952.

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Range improvement means replacing undesirable plants with a more desirable type of forage.

Love M, Sumner D. 1952. California range plants: Key to improvement is knowledge and proper use of three easily distinguishable types of range plants. Hilgardia 6(7):3-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v006n07p3
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