University of California

New planter for range seeding: Drill-type planter developed for seeding rolling hill grazing land without seed bed preparation


D. C. Sumner
R. A. Kepner

Authors Affiliations

D. C. Sumner is Assistant Specialist in Agronomy, University of California College of Agriculture, Davis; R. A. Kepner is Assistant Agricultural Engineer, University of California College of Agriculture, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 5(3):5-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v005n03p5. March 1951.

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A new drill-type planter makes it possible to seed forage plants on rolling open hill grazing land without seed bed preparation.

Sumner D, Kepner R. 1951. New planter for range seeding: Drill-type planter developed for seeding rolling hill grazing land without seed bed preparation. Hilgardia 5(3):5-14. DOI:10.3733/ca.v005n03p5
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