Verticillium hadromycosis
B. A. RudolphAuthor Affiliations
B. A. Rudolph was Assistant Plant Pathologist in the Experiment Station.Publication Information
Hilgardia 5(9):197-361. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v05n09p197. March 1931.
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Verticillium hadromycosis is a plant disease specifically caused by the fungus Verticillium albo-atrum R, and B. and its related forms. It is widespread in the United States and abroad. At present it is occasioning considerable economic loss in the coastal counties of California.
The parasite is peculiar in that it does not confine its attacks to one host, or a few closely related hosts, as is so frequently the case with parasitic fungi, but attacks a large number of widely unrelated plants, many of which are of economic importance.
The disease syndrome is essentially as follows: The lower leaves of affected plants turn yellow in early summer and die as the parasite, which initiates its attack through the root system, passes slowly up the trunk or stem. The internodes are shortened and the plant is stunted. Internally the affected wood shows a characteristic brown discoloration. With the microscope the mycelium of the fungus may be seen in the lumina of the vessels of the discolored wood.
In annuals such as the tomato, potato, and other susceptible truck-crop plants an attack of the disease is generally fatal. Perennials such as economic fruit and forest trees, particularly when young, may be killed, or they may recover, depending upon the severity of the attack.
In California, the disease is referred to popularly as ‘black heart’ in stone fruits, ‘blue stem’ in bush fruits and ‘wilt’ in truck-crop plants. The syndrome in affected plants of these three distinct groups may vary somewhat, but the cultural similarity of the organisms isolated from them has led to cross-inoculation experiments by the author to determine whether the seemingly three distinct diseases are not of common origin, a fact previously not suspected in California.
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[160] Rankin W. H. Thrombotic disease of maple. Phytopath. 1914. 4(6):395
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[166] Rosa J. T. Tomato production in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 1928. 263:1-40. 29 fig
[167] Rudolph B. A. Verticillium wilt of tomatoes in California. Phytopath. 1926. 16(3):234
[168] Rudolph B. A. Now they know—it’s verticilliosis. Pacific Rural Press. 1926. 111(25):763 766
[169] Sanford G. B. Potato diseases. Alberta Agr. Col. Bul. 1924. 5:1-34. 22 fig DOI: 10.1139/cjr41c-009 [CrossRef]
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[171] Schlumberger O. Erkennung und Bewertung von Kartoffelkrankheiten bei der Saatenanerkennung. Mitt. Deut. Landw.-Gesell. 1926. 41(29):607-610.
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[176] Shapovalov M., Link G. K. Control of potato tuber diseases. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bul. 1924. 1367:1-37. 39 fig
[177] Sherbakoff C. D. Verticillium wilt of cotton. Phytopath. 1929. 19(1):94
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[179] Spieckermann A. Jahresber. Landwirtschaftskammer Provinz Westfalen. 1909. 93p. [Original not seen.]
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[183] Stapp C. Über die Ursache des Ulmensterbens. Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Gesell. 1928. 40:139-146. 1 fig
[184] Störmer K. Obstbaumsterben und Kartoffelblattrollkrankheit. Jahresber. Ver. Angew. Bot. 1909. 7:119-170. 1 pl. 16 fig
[185] Taylor W. H. Tomato-culture. Some further notes on disease-control. New Zealand Jour. Agr. 1924. 29(1):40-43.
[186] Utkin M. S. Verticillium albo-atrum Rein. et Bert., and wilt of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants. Jour. Sci. Agron. 1926. 12(3):785-810. 5 fig
[187] Van Beyma Thoe Kingma F. H. Über ein Kartoffelfäule verursachendes Verticillium, Verticillium foëxii nov. spec. Med. Phytopath. Lab. “Willie Commelin Scholten.” [Baarn, Holland.]. 1928. 12:31-35. 3 fig
[188] Van der Lek H. A. A. Onderzoekingen over tracheomycosen: De verticilliose van den komkommer. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. [Wageningen.]. 1918. 15:1-45. 6 pl
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[190] Van der Lek H. A. A. Over de z. g. “Verwelkingsziekten” in het bijzonder die, welke door Verticillium alboatrum veroorzaakt worden. Tijdschr. Plantenziekten. 1919. 25:17-52. 2 pl
[191] Van der Meer J. H. H. Verticillium-wilt of herbaceous and woody plants. Med. Landbouwhoogesch. [Wageningen]. 1925. 28:1-82. 15 pl. several fig
[192] Van der Meer J. H. H. De Verticillium-ziekte van kruidachtige en houtige gewassen. Tijdschr. Plantenziekten. 1925. 31(3):59-74. 8 pl
[193] Van der Meer J. H. H. Verticillium wilt of maple and elm-seedlings in Holland. Phytopath. 1926. 16(9):611-614. 1 pl. 1 fig
[194] Van Hook J. M. Diseases of ginseng. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 1904. 219:165-186. fig. 18-42
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[200] Verhoeven W. B. L. Overgang van ringvuur (Verticillium albo-atrum) bij aardappelen met de knollen. Tijdschr. Plantenziekten. 1928. 34(3):106-108.
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[202] Weber A. Tomat- og agurksygdomme. Gartner-Tidende. 1924. 16 7 fig. (Original not seen. Abstract in Rev. Appl. Mycol. 4: 323. 1925.)
[203] Weimer J. L. Two diseases of udo (Aralia cordata Thunb.). Jour. Agr. Res. 1923. 26 p. 271-278. 4 pl
[204] Westerdijk J. Een Verticilliumziekte der suikerbieten. Med. Phytopath. Lab. “Willie Commelin Scholten” Jaarverslag. 1918. 1917:8-10.
[205] Westerdijk J., Van Luijk A. Über einige Gefässkrankheiten. Med. Phytopath. Lab. “Willie Commelin Scholten.”. 1924. 8:48-50. 3 fig
[206] Whetzel H. H., Rosenbaum J. The diseases of ginseng and their control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bul. 1912. 250:1-44. 12 pl. 5 fig
[207] Whetzel H. H., Rosenbaum J., Brann J. W., McClintock J. A. Ginseng diseases and their control. U. S. Dept Agr. Farmers’ Bul. 1916. 736:1-22. 26 fig
[208] Williams P. H. The effect of some compounds on Verticillium wilt of tomatoes. Exp. and Res. Sta. Cheshunt, Herts, 13th Ann. Rept. 1928. 1927:38-41.
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[210] Wiltshire S. P. A disease of michaelmas daisies. 1920. Univ. Bristol. Agr. and Hort. Res. Sta. Ann. Rept. p. 84-85.
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[212] Wollenweber H. W. Untersuchungen über die natürliche Verbreitung der Fusarien an der Kartoffel. Mitt. K. Biol. Anst. Land- u. Forstw. 1911. 11:22-23.
[213] Wollenweber H. W. Pilzparasitäre Welkekrankheiten der Kulturpflanzen. Ber. Deut. Bot. Gesell. 1913. 31(1):17-34.
[214] Wollenweber H. W. Studies on the Fusarium problem. Phytopath. 1913. 3(1):24-50. 1 pl. 1 fig
[215] Wollenweber H. W. Identification of species of Fusarium occurring on the sweet potato, Ipomea batatas. Jour. Agr. Res. 1914. 2(4):251-285. 4 pl
[216] Wollenweber H. W. Tracheomykosen und andere Welkekrankheiten nebst Aussichten ihrer Abwehr. Angew. Bot. 1922. 4(1):1-14.
[217] Wollenweber H. W. Beiträge zur Pflanzen- und Holzschutzmittelforschung. I. Vorprufungen der Wirkung Chemicher Schutzstoffe in Reisbreinnährböden gegen Schadpilze. Angew. Bot. 1922. 4(6):273-279.
[218] Wollenweber H. W. Das Ulmensterben und sein Erreger, Graphium ulmi Swartz. Biol. Reichanst. Land- und Forstw. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd:. 1927. 7(10):97-100.
[219] Wollenweber H. W., Schlumberger O. Infectionversuche mit Kartoffel-bewohnenden Pilzen. Mitt. K. Biol. Anst. Land- u. Forstw. 1911. 11:15-17.
[220] Woodroof J. G. Okra. Georgia Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 1927. 145:164-185. 8 fig. 1 graph
[221] Wormald H. Pathology. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. 1925. 1924:107-109.
[222] Wormald H. Notes on plant diseases in 1924. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. 1925. 1924:110-119. (pub. Nov.)
[223] Wormald H. Plant pathology. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. 1926. 1925:61-63. (pub. June.)
[224] Wormald H. Notes on plant diseases in 1925. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. 1927. 1926:75-88. 5 fig. (pub. March.)
[225] Wormald H. Plant pathology. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. Year. 1927. 1926:57-59. (pub. May.)
[226] Wormald H. Notes on plant diseases in 1926. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. for years 1926-1927. II. Supplement. 1928. p. 75-88. (pub. Oct.)
[227] Wormald H. Notes on plant diseases in 1927. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann. Rept. for years 1926-27. II. Supplement. 1928. p. 111-118. (pub. Oct.)
[228] Wormald H. Plant pathology. East Mailing Res. Sta. (Kent). Ann Rept. 1928. 1927:53-56. (pub. Dec.)
[229] Zattler F. Die Untersuchungs- und Auskunftstätigkeit der Hopfenforschungsstelle im Jahre 1927. Prakt. Bl. Pflanzenbau u. Schutz. 1928. 5(10):243-246.
[230] Zeller S. M. A case of Verticillium wilt (blue stem) of black raspberries in Oregon. Phytopath. 1925. 15(2):125-126.
[231] Zimm L. A. A wilt disease of maples. Phytopath. 1918. 8(2):80-81.
[232] Zundel G. L. Potato wilt diseases. Washington Sta. Col. Ext. Bul. 1924. 113:3-6.
[233] Zundel G. L. Why raspberries run out. Western Fruit. 1925. 7 7p.
Also in this issue:
California fresh tomatoes: Marketing channels and gross margins from farm to consumer studied in statewide projectBiological control quarantine: Albany unit handles importation of insects to be tested against agricultural pests of central, northern California
Artichoke plume moth: Chemical control now possible if applications of proper chemicals are correctly timed
Brush range improvement: Preliminary report on postburn seeding and management demonstrations in Shasta and San Diego counties
Leaf analysis of citrus: Tests in eight counties indicate the potassium and phosphorus status of California citrus orchards
Deer repellents: Sprays found not harmful to foliage on two-year-old trees
Landscape architecture and landscape gardening: Research projects deal with public lands development, housing, school ground planning; garden design and maintenance, turf culture, nursery management and floriculture
Land leveling studies: Survey of irrigation systems and practices in Coache1la Valley may help in the development of new farm lands
Control of orchid mites: False spider mites and spider mites must be distinguished for proper control purposes
High-yield orange orchards: Management practices and soil conditions studied in 43 mature, high-performance orchards in California
Almond hulls as feed: Lamb fattening trials reveal that soft shell variety is best for livestock when fed with barley and alfalfa