University of California

Broccoli residues can control Verticillium wilt of cauliflower


Krishna V. Subbarao
Steven T. Koike

Authors Affiliations

K.V. Subbarao is Associate Plant Pathologist/Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis and located at U.S. Agricultural Research Station, Salinas. The authors thank J. Aragon, S. Bassi, A. Caminay, S. Dacuyan, J.E. DeVay, K. Fowler, T.G. Gonzales, J.C. Hubbard, D. Lindsay, P. Niday, E.D. Oakes, J. Manassero, M. Mulanax, R. Miller, S. Ray, B. Taylor,J. Taylor, M. Vidauri, J. Wakeman, C.-L. Xiao, and California cauliflower growers. We thank Tri-Cal for applying the fumigant materials. This research was partially supported by grants from the UC DANR Special Grants Program, UC IPM Program and from the California cauliflower industry; ST. Koike is Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 54(3):30-33. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n03p30. May 2000.

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Verticillium wilt, a damaging disease of cauliflower, was successfully managed in a multiple-year field study by incorporating broccoli residues into infested soil. In a study conducted from 1993 to 1995 in the Salinas Valley, cauliflower disease incidence and severity were consistently and significantly reduced in the broccoli residue plots when compared with no broccoli. The commercial standard plots fumigated with methyl bromide + chloropicrin had the lowest disease incidence and severity. In both years of our tarping study, Verticillium wilt severity was lowest in the metham sodium treatment. The cauliflower-Verticillium host-pathogen system therefore can act as a model for controlling soil-borne diseases without the use of synthetic chemicals.


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Subbarao K, Koike S. 2000. Broccoli residues can control Verticillium wilt of cauliflower. Hilgardia 54(3):30-33. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n03p30
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