Bats feed on crop pests in Sacramento Valley
Rachael Freeman LongTzung-Su Ding
Steve Heydon
Wilbur Reil
Tiffanie Simpson
Authors Affiliations
R.F. Long is UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, Yolo and Solano counties; T. Ding is graduate student, Agronomy, UC Davis; S. Heydon is Senior Museum Scientist, Bohart Museum, Entomology, UC Davis; W. Reil is UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, Yolo and Solano counties; T. Simpson is graduate student, Entomology, UC Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 52(1):8-10. DOI:10.3733/ca.v052n01p8. January 1998.
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Food habits of Mexican free-tailed bats and Yuma myotis bats were examined in the Sacramento Valley. Analyses of guano samples indicated that Mexican free-tailed and Yuma myotis bats fed on moths, water boatmen, beetles, flies, midges, mosquitoes and plant bugs. The diet of Yuma myotis bats tended to be diverse early in the season, but more uniform later on when they ate more moths. In contrast, Mexican free-tailed bats primarily fed on midges, flies and mosquitoes early in the season, then became more generalized feeders later on. These data demonstrate that bats are beneficial as they feed on insects that can be pests of agriculture.
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