University of California

How California agricultural producers manage risk


Jeffrey McDonald
Steven C. Blank

Authors Affiliations

J. McDonald is Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, UC Davis; S.C. Blank is Extension Economist is Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 49(2):9-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v049n02p9. March 1995.

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In a statewide survey, California agricultural producers ranked output price and input cost highest among their production and financial risks. Due to poor availability of hedging, forward contracting and crop insurance, less than 25% of the respondents used these tools to reduce risk. Diversification of production or income sources was their most common strategy for managing risk. Until risk tools are better tailored to the needs of California producers, and until producers become better informed about managing income risk, the state's agricultural sector will face unnecessarily high levels of financial stress.

McDonald J, Blank S. 1995. How California agricultural producers manage risk. Hilgardia 49(2):9-12. DOI:10.3733/ca.v049n02p9
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