Reducing drainwater: Furrow vs. subsurface drip irrigation
J. D. OsterAllan E. Fulton
David A. Goldhamer
Blaine R. Hanson
Claude J. Phene
Authors Affiliations
J. D. Oster is Soils and Wafer Extension Specialist, UC Riverside; Albn E. Fulton is Soils and Water Farm Advisor, Kings County; David A. Goldhamer is Irrigation Extension Specialist, Kearney Agricultural Center; Blaine R. Hanson is Irrigation and Drainage Extension Specialist, UC Davis; Claude J. Phene is Soils and Irrigation Scientist, USDA-ARS.Publication Information
Hilgardia 45(2):4-8. DOI:10.3733/ca.v045n02p4b. March 1991.
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Cotton was produced using conventional furrow irrigation, an upgraded continuous-flow furrow design, surge irrigation, and subsurface drlp lrrlgatlon in 1987 and 1988. We found that the most economical method of reducing potential drainage at this site was to reduce the furrow length by half and decrease the set time by more than one-half during preirrigation. A subsurface drip system reduced potential drainage most effectively and increased production, but caused an overall profit loss. Subsurface drip systems may be profitable if properly designed and managed; however, a substantial yield increase or reduction in drainage disposal costs must be achieved. Otherwise, profitability of subsurface drip would be less than that for furrow irrigation systems.
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