Manure management
Samuel A. HartAuthor Affiliations
Samuel A. Hart is Associate Professor and Associate Agricultural Engineer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis.Publication Information
Hilgardia 18(12):5-7. DOI:10.3733/ca.v018n12p5. December 1964.
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Today's specialization with development of large-scale “factory farms,” including drylot dairies, beef feedlots, and chicken ranches, plus the spread of urbanization to house an increasing population, have created new problems for both farmers and city dwellers. The city dweller is offended by agricultural odors and insects while production is made more difficult for the farmer by the higher, and more costly level of sanitation demanded. Disposal of livestock manure, the greatest of the problems with agricultural wastes, is discussed in this article.
Hart S. 1964. Manure management. Hilgardia 18(12):5-7. DOI:10.3733/ca.v018n12p5
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