University of California

Early stage infiltration of water into horizontal and vertical soil columns


T. Miyazaki
D. R. Nielsen
J. L. MacIntyre

Authors Affiliations

T. Miyazaki was former Visiting Scientist, is presently an Agricultural Engineer, Shikoku Agricultural Experiment Station, Ikano-cho, Zentsuji-shi, Kagawa-ken, Japan; D. R. Nielsen was Professor of Soil and Water Science, Land, Air, and Water Resources, and Soil and Water Scientist in the Experiment Station, University of California, Davis; J. L. MacIntyre was Staff Research Associate, Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 52(6):1-24. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v52n06p024. June 1984.

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Water content distributions during horizontal, vertical-up, and vertical-down infiltration into air-dry soil, were measured experimentally using gamma radiation attenuation equipment. A sufficient number of soil columns were analyzed to ascertain fiducial limits of both measured and calculated soil water properties and parameters. The first three coefficient functions of Philip’s solution of the Richards’ flow equation applied to infiltration as well as to the soil hydraulic conductivity and soil water diffusivity as functions of soil water content were ascertained from the measured water content distributions.

Literature Cited

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Miyazaki T, Nielsen D, MacIntyre J. 1984. Early stage infiltration of water into horizontal and vertical soil columns. Hilgardia 52(6):1-24. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v52n06p024
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