University of California

Volatility of herbicides under field conditions


B. E. Day
E. Johnson
J. L. Dewlen

Authors Affiliations

B. E. Day was Associate Plant Physiologist, University of California Citrus Experiment Station, Riverside; E. Johnson was Field Supervisor, Agricultural Pest Control, California Department Agriculture, Los Angeles; J. L. Dewlen was Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Riverside County.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 28(11):255-267. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v28n11p255. February 1959.

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Herbicidal formulations of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-TP, and amino triazole were tested for volatility under high summer temperature conditions in the Coachella Valley, California. The herbicides were applied to plots in cotton fields and the degree and extent of injury to surrounding cotton plants served as a measure of the volatility of the herbicides. Formulations of 2,4-D were found to be increasingly volatile in the order amine salts, acid, and low-volatile esters. It was determined that vaporization of the herbicides occurred predominantly during the daytime. A low volatile formulation of 2,4,5-TP appeared to be as volatile as similar formulations of 2,4-D but produced only minor injury symptoms on cotton. Amino triazole appeared to be entirely free of volatility hazard.

Literature Cited

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Day B, Johnson E, Dewlen J. 1959. Volatility of herbicides under field conditions. Hilgardia 28(11):255-267. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v28n11p255
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