University of California

Developmental anatomy of the fleshy storage organ of Daucus carota


Katherine Esau

Author Affiliations

Katherine Esau was Assistant Professor of Botany and Assistant Botanist in the Experiment Station.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(5):175-226. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v13n05p175. August 1940.

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Abstract does not appear. First page follows.

The present study of the anatomy of the fleshy, edible storage organ of the carrot plant (Daucus carota L.) describes, in different stages of development, the tissues making up this organ and interprets its gross morphological features in terms of histological details.

This investigation was completed when a paper by (Havis (1939))3 on the anatomy of the hypocotyl and root of the carrot appeared in press. Since Havis’ article gives fewer ontogenetic details and emphasizes other points than the present study, a publication of the latter constitutes no duplication of material.

Material and Methods

Seedlings obtained by germinating carrot seed upon moistened moss in desiccators served for the study of the earliest stages. Larger plants were grown in a sandy soil in a greenhouse. The seed was of the variety Imperator.

The material, killed in a chrom-acetic-formalin solution (Rawlins, 1933), was imbedded in paraffin after being dehydrated with ethyl and butyl alcohols. The microtome sections were stained with the combination of tannic acid and iron chloride recommended by (Foster (1934)). Certain seedlings cleared in lactic acid were particularly useful in studying the transition region.

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