University of California

Sampling mites in almonds: II. Presence-Absence Sequential Sampling for Tetranychus Mite Species


F. G. Zalom
M. A. Hoy
L. T. Wilson
W. W. Barnett

Authors Affiliations

F. G. Zalom was Integrated Pest Management Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Davis; M. A. Hoy was Professor of Entomology and Entomologist in the Experiment Station, Berkeley; L. T. Wilson was Associate Professor of Entomology and Associate Entomologist in the Experiment Station, Davis; W. W. Barnett was Area IPM Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Fresno.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 52(7):14-24. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v52n07p011. June 1984.

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A practical monitoring program for spider mites, Tetranychus spp., in almond orchards is proposed. It is possible to determine densities of the Tetranychus mites after they disperse through each tree by using the proportion of leaves infested with one or more mites rather than counting the actual number of mites per leaf. This presence-absence (binomial) sampling technique may be used in conjunction with sequential sampling to further reduce sampling time. Provisional control action thresholds developed are 0.436 (mean proportion infested leaves) in the presence of the predatory mite Metaseiulus occidentalis, and 0.220 in its absence. Optimal numbers of trees to be sampled at various confidence levels are determined for a range of mite densities with leaf samples of 5, 15, and 40 per tree.

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Zalom F, Hoy M, Wilson L, Barnett W. 1984. Sampling mites in almonds: II. Presence-Absence Sequential Sampling for Tetranychus Mite Species. Hilgardia 52(7):14-24. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v52n07p011
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