University of California

Effect of heterozygosity at the double-muscle locus on the performance of market calves


W. C. Rollins
R. B. Thiessen
F. D. Carroll
Moira Tanaka

Authors Affiliations

W. C. Rollins was Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, and Geneticist in the Experiment Station, Davis; R. B. Thiessen was Senior Scientific Officer, A.R.C., Animal Breeding Research Organization, Edinburgh, Scotland; F. D. Carroll was Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, and Nutritionist in the Experiment Station, Davis; Moira Tanaka was Staff Research Associate, Department of Animal Science, Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 48(5):1-26. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v48n05p026. December 1980.

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Trials conducted at the University of California (Davis) demonstrated the feasibility of producing market calves heterozygous for the double-muscling gene. On average, these calves compared to normal calves reached market weight at an earlier age, had carcasses with significantly more lean meat and lower quality grade, but with a negligible difference in meat acceptability, as shown by taste panel evaluations.

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Rollins W, Thiessen R, Carroll F, Tanaka M. 1980. Effect of heterozygosity at the double-muscle locus on the performance of market calves. Hilgardia 48(5):1-26. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v48n05p026
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