University of California

An annotated list and bibliography of insects reported to have virus diseases


Kenneth M. Hughes

Author Affiliations

Kenneth M. Hughes was Assistant Specialist in Insect Pathology, Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 26(14):597-629. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v26n14p597. May 1957.

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No comprehensive listing of the insects reported to be affected by viruses has been made for a number of years. In 1915, Chapman and Glaser (47)3 published a list of insects having “wilt.” Revised listings based on Chapman and Glaser’s work, and including additional entries, have been made by Sweetman (198), Bergold (7), and Steinhaus (185). Recent years have produced so much new information on the virus diseases of insects [Martignoni (125) reported that in 1954 more than 150 insect species were known to suffer from virus diseases] that all the above lists are now quite incomplete.

In the list presented here an attempt has been made to include all published reports of virus infections in insects, regardless of the validity of such reports. There are certainly many entries of questionable authenticity, but their evaluation is left to the judgment of those who may find the listing useful.

A notation as to the type of virus disease was included in nearly all entries. An attempt was made to distinguish between the nuclear polyhedroses and the cytoplasmic polyhedroses whenever the information available in the literature permitted such a distinction. Those cases in which a polyhedrosis is involved, but without evidence to indicate the type of polyhedrosis, were recorded simply as “polyhedrosis.” The bibliography is not a complete listing of all literature in which reference is made to a virus disease of an insect, but it is hoped that none of the principal publications has been overlooked.

The scientific and common names used agree with those found in “Common Names of Insects Approved by the Entomological Society of America” (Amer. Ent. Soc. Bul. vol. 1, no. 4, December, 1955). Common names of some of the species not included in the above listing were obtained from “Catalogue of injurious insects in Japan” by T. Shiraki (Economic and Scientific Section, Natural Resources Division, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo, 1952, 7 vols.), and from the publication or publications referred to in the text by number.


[1.] Aizawa K. Preliminary note on the successive passage through Philosamia ricini Boisd. of the jaundice virus of Bombyx mori L. Jour. Seric. Sci. [Japan]. 1952. 21:170-72.

[2.] Allen H. W. Notes on a Bombylid parasite and a polyhedral disease of the southern grass worm, Laphygma frugiperda. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1921. 14:510-11.

[3.] Allen H. W. An infestation of Autographa biloba Steph on lettuce. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1924. 17:504

[4.] Arvy L. Sur la présence probable d’un virus du genre Paillotella Steinhaus dans les leucocytes de Malacosoma neustria L. (Lépidoptère, Lasiocampidae). Rev. Hématol. 1953. 8:204-12.

[5.] Balch R. E. The disease of the European spruce sawfly. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1946. 2(5):1

[6.] Balch R. E., Bird F. T. A disease of the European spruce sawfly, Gilpinia hercyniae (Htg.), and its place in natural control. Sci. Agr. 1944. 25:65-80.

[7.] Bergold G. Über Polyederkrankheiten bei Insekten. Biol. Zentbl. 1943. 63:1-55.

[8.] Bergold G. Die Isolierung des Polyeder-Virus und die Natur der Polyeder. Ztschr. Naturforsch. 1947. 2b:122-43.

[9.] Bergold G. Bündelförmige Ordnung von Polyederviren. Ztschr. Naturforsch. 1948. 3b:25-26.

[10.] Bergold G. Inaktivierung des Polyeder-Virus durch Kollidon. Ztschr. Naturforsch. 1948. 3b:300-01.

[11.] Bergold G. Über die Kapselvirus-Krankheit. Ztschr. Naturforsch. 1948. 3b:338-42.

[12.] Bergold G. The polyhedral disease of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1949. 5(3):2

[13.] Bergold G. The multiplication of insect viruses as organisms. Canad. Jour. Res. 1950. 28:5-11. DOI: 10.1139/cjr50e-002 [CrossRef]

[14.] Bergold G. Notes on polyhedral disease of forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1951. 7(4):1-2.

[15.] Bergold G. The polyhedral disease of the spruce budworm. Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Canad. Jour. Zool. 1951. 29:17-23.

[16.] Bergold G. Fortschritte und Probleme auf dem Gebiete der Insektenviren. Ztschr. Angew. Ent. 1951. 33:267-78. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.1952.tb00668.x [CrossRef]

[17.] Bergold G. Demonstration of the polyhedral virus in blood cells of silkworms. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1952. 8:397-400. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3002(52)90064-4 [CrossRef]

[18.] Bergold G., Smith , Lauffer . Insect viruses. Advances in Virus Research. 1953. 1: N.Y.: Academic Press. p. 91-139. DOI: 10.1016/S0065-3527(08)60463-7 [CrossRef]

[19.] Bergold G., Brill R. Spreitungsversuche mit Insektenviren. Kolloid Ztschr. 1942. 99:1-6. DOI: 10.1007/BF01496993 [CrossRef]

[20.] Bergold G., Friedrich-Freksa H. Zur Grösse und Serologie des Bombyx-mori-Polyedervirus. Ztschr. Naturforsch. 1947. 2b:410-11.

[21.] Bergold G., Hengstenberg J. Ultrazentrifugenversuche mit Insektenviren. Kolloid Ztschr. 1942. 98:304-11. DOI: 10.1007/BF01496524 [CrossRef]

[22.] Bergold G., McGugan B. M. Virus diseases of the forest tent caterpillar. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1951. 7(1):2-3.

[23.] Bergold G. H., Wellington E. F. Isolation and chemical composition of the membranes of an insect virus and their relation to the virus and polyhedral bodies. Jour. Bact. 1954. 67:210-16.

[24.] Bird F. T. Control effects of the polyhedral disease of the spruce sawfly. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1947. 4(2):1

[25.] Bird F. T. Tumors associated with a virus infection in an insect. Nature. 1949. 163:777

[26.] Bird F. T. On the multiplication of an insect virus. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1952. 8:360-68. DOI: 10.1016/0006-3002(52)90059-0 [CrossRef]

[27.] Bird F. T. The effect of metamorphosis on the multiplication of an insect virus. Canad. Jour. Zool. 1953. 31:300-03. DOI: 10.1139/z53-023 [CrossRef]

[28.] Bird F. T. The use of a virus disease in the biological control of the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.). Canad. Ent. 1953. 85:437-46.

[29.] Bird F. T. Virus diseases of sawflies. Canad. Ent. 1955. 87:124-27. DOI: 10.4039/Ent87124-3 [CrossRef]

[30.] Bird F. T., Whalen M. M. A virus disease of the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffr.). Canad. Ent. 1953. 85:433-37.

[31.] Bird F. T., Whalen M. M. A nuclear and a cytoplasmic polyhedral virus disease of the spruce budworm. Canad. Jour. Zool. 1954. 32:82-86. DOI: 10.1139/z54-010 [CrossRef]

[32.] Bird F. T., Whalen M. M. Stages in the development of two insect viruses. Canad. Jour. Microbiol. 1954. 1:170-74. DOI: 10.1139/m55-022 [CrossRef]

[33.] Blanchard R. A., Conger C. B. Notes on Prodenia praefica Grote. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1932. 25:1059-70.

[34.] Böhm L. K. Ueber die Polyederkrankheit der Sphingiden. Zool. Anz. 1910. 35:677-82.

[35.] Bolle J. Il giallume od il mal del grasso del baco da seta. Comunicazione preliminare. Atti e Mem. dell’I. R. Soc. Agr. Gorizia. 1894. 34:133-36.

[36.] Bolle J. Der Seidenbau in Japan, nebst einem Anhang: die Gelboder Fettsucht der Seidenraupe, eine parasitäre Krankheit. 1898. Budapest, Wien, und Leipzig: A. Hartleben. 141p.

[37.] Brauns A. Das Auftreten von Polyedrose bei einer Forstinsektenart im Winterlager. NachrBl. dtsch. PflSchDienst, Stuttgart. 1951. 3:58-59.

[38.] Breindl V., Komárek J. Zur Aetiologie der Wipfelkrankheit (Polyedrie) der Nonne (Lymantria monacha). Sitzungsberichten kön böhm. Ges. Wiss. f. d. J. 1923. 2:20 1921-1922.

[39.] Breny R. Polyédrose chez Neopridion sertifer Geoffr. Parasitica. 1951. 7:118-24.

[40.] Brown F. M. Bacterial wilt disease. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1930. 23:145-46.

[41.] Burnside C. E. Preliminary observations on “paralysis” of honeybees. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1933. 26:162-68.

[42.] Burnside C. E. The cause of paralysis of honeybees. Amer. Bee Jour. 1945. 85:354-55. 363.

[43.] Butler C. G. Bee paralysis, May-sickness, et cetera. Bee World. Jan. 1943. p.1943.

[44.] Caresche L. Une Noctuelle polyphage, Prodenia litura Fab. Bul. Econ. Indochine. 1937. 40:517-37.

[45.] Carroll W. J. History of the hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guen.), (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Newfoundland, and notes on its biology. Canad. Ent. 1956. 88:587-99.

[46.] Cartwright W. B., Blanchard R. A., Wilson C. C. Notes for 1932 on cereal and forage insects in California. California Dept. Agr., Monthly Bul. 1933. 22:156-60.

[47.] Chapman J. W., Glaser R. W. A preliminary list of insects which have wilt, with a comparative study of their polyhedra. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1915. 8:140-50.

[48.] Chapman J. W., Glaser R. W. Further studies on wilt of gipsy moth caterpillars. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1916. 9:149-67.

[49.] Clark E. C. Observations on the ecology of a polyhedrosis of the Great Basin tent caterpillar Malacosoma fragilis. Ecology. 1955. 36:373-76.

[50.] Clark E. C. Survival and transmission of a virus causing polyhedrosis in Malacosoma fragile. Ecology. 1956. 37:728-32.

[51.] Clark E. C., Reiner C. E. The possible use of a polyhedrosis virus in the control of the Great Basin tent caterpillar. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1956. 49:653-9.

[52.] Clark E. C., Reiner C. E. The availability of certain proprietary adjuvants for use with the polyhedrosis viruses of insects. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1956. 49:703-4.

[53.] Clark E. C., Thompson C. G. The possible use of microorganisms in the control of the Great Basin tent caterpillar. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1954. 47:268-72.

[54.] Collier W. A. Ueber Polyeder-Virus bei Argynnis lathonia L. Ent. Beihefte Berlin. 1934. 1:56-57.

[55.] Collins C. W. Observations on a recurring outbreak of Heterocampa guttivitta Walker and natural enemies controlling it. Jour. Agr. Res. 1926. 32:689-99.

[56.] Conte A., Levrat D. Les maladies du ver à soie. I. La grasserie. Trav. Lab. étude soie Lyon. 1909. 13:41-60. II. La muscardine. Trav. Lab. étude soie Lyon 13 61-72.

[57.] Daviault L. L. La mouche a scie Européenne de l’epinette dans les for?ts du nord du St Laurent. La For?t Québeçoise. 1941. 3:12-16.

[58.] Davis C. J. Some recent lepidopterous outbreaks on the island of Hawaii. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 1955. 15:401-3.

[59.] Day M. F., Common I. F. B., Farrant J. L., Potter C. A polyhedral virus disease of a pasture caterpillar, Pterolocera amplicornis Walker (Anthelidae). Austral. Jour. Biol. Sci. 1953. 6:574-79.

[60.] Dean G. A., Smith R. C. Insects injurious to alfalfa in Kansas. Kansas State Bd. Agr. 20th Bienn. Rpt. 1935. pp.202-49.

[61.] Del Guercio G. Il male del giallume (o dei microbi poliedrici) negli allevamenti dei filugelli, negli insetti delle piante forestali ed agrarie e nelle zanzare della malaria. Redia. 1929. 17:1-296. 313-15.

[62.] Desnuelle P., Chang C. T. Sur la protéine du virus de la grasserie du ver à soie. II. Répartition du soufre et teneur en alanine. Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1943. 69:75-86. 248-50.

[63.] Desnuelle P., Chang C. T. Sur la protéine de la grasserie du ver à soie. III. Étude de certains de ses groupements libres. Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1945. 71:264-72.

[64.] Desnuelle P., Chang C. T., Fromageot C. Sur la protéine du virus de la maladie à polyèdres (grasserie) du ver à soie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1943. 69:75-86.

[65.] Dikasova E. T. The nature of the polyhedra of the jaundice of the silkworm. Bul. Expt. Biol. Med. 1942. 13:101 [In Russian]

[66.] Doeksen J. De tarwegalmuggen Contarinia tritici Kirby en Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin (Diptera; Cecidomyidae) in Nederland. Versl. Technol. Tarwe. Comm. 1938. 12:237-96.

[67.] Dowden P. B. Larval disease prevalent in heavy infestations of the European spruce sawfly in southern New Hampshire and Vermont. Jour. Forestry. 1940. 38:971-72.

[68.] Drilhon A., Busnel R.-G., Vago C. Les acides aminés libres et les substances fluorescentes du sang, et des tubes de Malpighi, de la chenille de Bombyx mori L., atteinte de la maladie à polyèdres et de la flacherie. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 1951. 232:360

[69.] Dudgeon G. C. A proposed method of controlling the ravages of leaf-eating caterpillars. Bul. Ent. Res. 1913. 4:243-45. DOI: 10.1017/S0007485300043145 [CrossRef]

[70.] Eckert J. E., Bess H. A. Fundamentals of beekeeping in Hawaii. Univ. Hawaii Ext. Bul. 1952. 55:59

[71.] Escherich K., Miyajima M. Studien über die Wipfelkrankheit der Nonne. Naturwiss. Ztschr. Forst- u. Landw. 1911. 9:381-402.

[72.] Escherich K., Miyajima M. Studien über die Wipfelkrankheit der Nonne. Biol. Centr. 1912. 32:111-29.

[73.] Evenden J., Jost E. J. A report of the tussock moth control, North Idaho, 1947. 1947. U. S. Dept. Agr., Forestry Serv., Idaho State Forestry Dept. 51p.

[74.] Fischer E. Über die Ursachen der Disposition und über Frühsymptome der Raupenkrankheiten. Biol. Centr. 1906. 26:448-63. 534-44.

[75.] Fischer E. Über die Ursachen und Symptome der Flacherie und Polyederkrankheit der Raupen. Biol. Centr. 1914. 34:357-71.

[76.] Fischer E. Die Wipfelkrankheit der Nonne und der Erreger derselben. Nach Dr. J. Komarek und Dr. V. Breindl. Entomol. Ztschr., Frankfurt a. M. 1925. 39(19):11

[77.] Franz J. Virosen von Forstinsekten in Europa. Entomophaga. 1956. 1:104-5. DOI: 10.1007/BF02377893 [CrossRef]

[78.] Furniss R. L. Insects attacking forest products and shade trees in Washington and Oregon in 1937. Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia. 1939. 35:5-8.

[79.] Glaser R. W. Wilt of gipsy moth caterpillars. Jour. Agr. Res. 1915. 4:101-28.

[80.] Glaser R. W. The polyhedral virus of insects with a theoretical consideration of filterable viruses generally. Science. 1918. 48:301-02. DOI: 10.1126/science.48.1238.301 [CrossRef]

[81.] Glaser R. W. Studies on the polyhedral disease of insects due to filterable viruses. Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1927. 20:319-42.

[82.] Glaser R. W., Chapman J. W. The wilt disease of gipsy moth caterpillars. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1913. 6:479-88.

[83.] Glaser R. W., Chapman J. W. The nature of the polyhedral bodies found in insects. Biol. Bul. 1916. 30:367-91. DOI: 10.2307/1536363 [CrossRef]

[84.] Glaser R. W., Lacaillade C. W. Relation of the virus and the inclusion bodies of silkworm “jaundice”. Amer. Jour. Hyg. 1934. 20:454-64.

[85.] Glaser R. W., Stanley W. M. Biochemical studies on the virus and the inclusion bodies of silkworm jaundice. Jour. Expt. Med. 1943. 77:451-66. DOI: 10.1084/jem.77.5.451 [CrossRef]

[86.] Graham K. Studies on the spruce budworm in Ontario. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1947. 3(2):3

[87.] Graham K. Insect pathology. Canada Dept. Agr., Forest Insect Invest. Bi-monthly Prog. Rpt. 1948. 4(3):2 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-80570-7_8 [CrossRef]

[88.] Graham K. Notes on a polyhedral disease of black-headed budworm. Canad. Ent. 1954. 86:546-48. DOI: 10.4039/Ent86546-12 [CrossRef]

[89.] Grégoire C. Virus-like bodies in the blood of the house cricket. Jour. Gen. Microbiol. 1951. 5:121-23.

[90.] Hall I. M. The role of virus diseases in the control of the alfalfa looper. Jour. Econ. Ent. 1953. 46:1110-11.

[91.] Harrison J. W. H. An occurrence of polyhedral disease in Chimabache fagella F. (Lep: Oecophoridae). Ent. Monthly Mag. 1945. 81:77

[92.] Hasegawa K., Koyama R. Forest insects’ pathogens in Japan (epizootic) 1956. p.3. 12th Congress, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Oxford. Mimeograph, p.

[93.] Heidenreich E. Die Polyederkrankheit der Nonne. Arch. Ges. Virusf. 1940. 1:582 DOI: 10.1007/BF01258421 [CrossRef]

[94.] Hetrick L. A. Life history studies of Neodiprion americanum (Leach). Jour. Econ. Ent. 1941. 34:373-77.

[95.] Holdaway F. G., Lucas E. Biological control of cabbage worm. Hawaii Agr. Exp. Sta. Rpt. 1941. 1940:41-2.

[96.] Holmes F. O. Order Virales, the filterable viruses. Bergey’s Manual of determinative bacteriology. 1948. 6th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. 1529p.

[97.] Howard L. O., Fiske W. F. The importation into the United States of the parasites of the gipsy moth and the brown-tailed moth. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. Bul. 1911. 91:108 DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.65198 [CrossRef]

[98.] Hughes K. M. A demonstration of the nature of polyhedra using alkaline solutions. Jour. Bact. 1950. 59:189-95.

[99.] Hughes K. M. Development of the inclusion bodies of a granulosis virus. Jour. Bact. 1952. 64:375-80.

[100.] Hughes K. M. The development of an insect virus within cells of its host. Hilgardia. 1953. 22(12):391-406. DOI: 10.3733/hilg.v22n12p391 [CrossRef]

[101.] Hughes K. M., Thompson C. G. A granulosis of the omnivorous looper, Sabulodes caberata Guenée. Jour. Infect. Diseases. 1951. 89:173-79.

[102.] Husson R. Cas de polyédrose chez le Géométride Ennomos quercinaria Hufn et considérations générales sur les polyédroses. Rev. Pathol. Végétale Ent. Agr. [France]. 1954. 33:208-21.

[103.] Hyslop J. A. The alfalfa looper. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. Bul. 1912. 95:109-18.

[104.] Illingworth J. F. Entomological program. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 1917. 3:275

[105.] Jahn E. Die Polyederkrankheit des grauen Lärchenwicklers Grapholitha (Semasia) diniana. Mikroskopie. 1949. 4:346-54. DOI: 10.1002/ardp.18842221611 [CrossRef]

[106.] Jahn E. Die Polyederkrankheit und andere Ursachen des Massensterbens des grauen Lärchenwicklers im Jahre 1948. XII. Sonderheft der Carinthia II. 1949. Klagenfurt: Verlag F. Leinmayer. 22p.

[107.] Jucci C. Introduzione allo studio della genetica. 1944. Milano, Italy: Editore Ulrico Hoepli. 419p.

[108.] Keck C. B. Presidential address: observations on beekeeping in Hawaii. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 1937. 9:461-7.

[109.] King C. B. R. Report of the entomologist (for 1930). Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Bul. 1931. 5:17-20.

[110.] King K. M., Atkinson N. J. The biological control factors of the immature stages of Euxoa ochrogaster Gn. (Lep.: Phalaenidae) in Saskatchewan. Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1928. 21:167-88.

[111.] Komárek J., Breindl V. Die Wipfel-Krankheit der Nonne und der Erreger derselben. Ztschr. Angew. Ent. 1924. 10:99-162.

[112.] Krausse A. Ueber Dasychira pudibunda L., bei Eberswald 1918. Ztschr. Forst- u. Jagdw. 1919. 51:445-47.

[113.] Krieg A., Langenbuch R. Ueber einige neue Insekten-Virosen. Entomophaga. 1956. 1:92-3.

[114.] Krieg A., Langenbuch R. Eine Polyedrose von Aporia crataegi L. (Lepidoptera). 1. Mitteilung. Z. für Pflanzenkrankh. (Pflanzenpathol.) und Pflanzenschutz. 1956. 63:95-9.

[115.] Langenbuch R. Eine verbesserte und zeitsparende Methode zur Färbung von Viruseinschlusskörpern (Polyedern) in Schnittpräparaten mit Eisenhämatoxylin. Mikroskopie. 1956. 10:344-8.

[116.] Lépine P., Vago C., Croissant O. Mise en évidence au microscope electronique du virus de la polyédrie de Plusia gamma L. (Lepidoptera.) Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1953. 85:170

[117.] L’héritier P. H., De Scoeux F. Hugon. Transmission par greffe et injection de la sensibilité héréditaire au gaz carbonique chez la drosophile. Bull. biol. Fr. et Belg. 1947. 81:70-91.

[118.] Linnaniemi W. M., Hukkinen Y. Zur Biologie und Verbreitung der Dasychira selenitica Esp., mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Massenauftretens in Finnland. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica. 1921. 48:1-27.

[119.] Lothar R. Die Polyederkrankheit der Kleidermotte (Tineola biselliella). Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 1941. 18:372-73.

[120.] Lounsbury C. P. Locust bacterial disease. Agr. Jour. Union So. Africa. 1913. 5:448-52.

[121.] Lower H. F. A granulosis virus attacking the larvae of Persectania ewingii Westw. (Lepidoptera: Agrotidae) in South Australia. Australian Jour. Biol. Sci. 1954. 7:161-67.

[122.] Mally C. W. Cutworms. Agr. Jour. Cape of Good Hope. 1908. 33:628-35.

[123.] Martelli G. M. Contributo alla conoscenza dell’ Aporia crataegi Le di alcuni suoi parassiti ed epiparassiti. Bol. Lab. Zool. Portici. 1931. 25:171-241.

[124.] Martignoni M. E. Über zwei Viruskrankheiten von Forstinsekten im Engadin. Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 1954. 27:147-52.

[125.] Martignoni M. E. La patologia degli insetti. Un anno di studi all’Università di California, a Berkeley. Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 1954. 27:176-81.

[126.] Martignoni M. E. Contributo alla conoscenza di una granulosi di Eucosma griseana (Hübner) (Tortricidae, Lepidoptera) quale fattore limitante il pullulamento dell’insetto nella Engadina alta. Mitt. Schweiz. Anst. forstl. Versuchsw. 1957. 32:371-418.

[127.] Michelbacher A. E., Smith R. F. Some natural factors limiting the abundance of the alfalfa butterfly. Hilgardia. 1943. 15(4):369-97. DOI: 10.3733/hilg.v15n04p369 [CrossRef]

[128.] Miller D. Control of ragwort through insects. New Zealand Jour. Agr. 1929. 39:9-17. also in New Zealand Jour. Sci. and Technol. 11 112-19.

[129.] Morgan C., Bergold G. H., Moore D. H., Rose H. M. The macromolecular paracrystalline lattice of insect viral polyhedral bodies demonstrated in ultrathin sections examined in the electron microscope. Jour. Biophys. Biochem. Cytology. 1955. 1:187-90. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.1.3.187 [CrossRef]

[130.] Paillot A. Sur l’étiologie et l’épidémiologie de la grasserie du ver à soie. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. [Paris]. 1924. 179:229

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[132.] Paillot A. Contribution à l’étude des maladies à virus filtrant chez les insectes. Un nouveau groupe de parasites ultramicrobiens: les Borrellina. Ann. Inst. Pasteur [Paris]. 1926. 40:314-52.

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