University of California

Cysteine and related compounds for differentiating members of the genus Salmonella


W. R. Hinshaw

Author Affiliations

W. R. Hinshaw was Associate Professor of Veterinary Science and Veterinarian in the Experiment Station.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(11):583-621. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v13n11p583. April 1941.

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Certain European investigators, including (Manninger (1930)),4(Miessner (1930)), (Wagener (1934)), and (Haupt (1935)), have recommended that Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum5 be classified as identical species. Although, undoubtedly, these bacteria are antigenically alike, poultry-disease investigators do not all concur with these four researchers, since the two organisms show certain biochemical and morphological differences and produce two distinct diseases.

(Hinshaw and Rettger (1936)), in attempting to determine additional biochemical differences between the two organisms, found that the 0.15 per cent cysteine gelatin devised by (Valley (1929)) for anaerobic culture furnished a medium for differentiating these organisms into two distinct species.

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