University of California

Some factors affecting the irrigation requirements of deciduous orchards


Frank J. Veihmeyer

Author Affiliations

Frank J. Veihmeyer was Assistant Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice, Associate Irrigation Engineer in Experiment Station.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 2(6):125-291. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v02n06p125. January 1927.

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The relation of water to plant growth is of especial interest to growers of deciduous fruits. Consideration of the relative losses of moisture from irrigated soils by evaporation or transpiration through plants and by means of surface evaporation from the soil is becoming increasingly important. This is especially true in many of the deciduous fruit areas of California, where the cost of irrigation is one of the main items of expense in orchard management. The orchardist growing fruit in an arid or semi-arid region, where irrigation is necessary, supposedly has an advantage over the grower of similar fruit in a humid area, because the supply of moisture in the soil can be controlled to a greater extent. Therefore, it is important to consider the effect of different degrees of soil moisture on the use of water by trees, and the effect of such differences on the kind of fruit produced.

A portion of the California deciduous fruit orchards have been planted in localities where dependence has been placed upon rainfall only. However that irrigation is necessary in many sections of California for the best production of horticultural crops is a fact now coming into recognition.

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Veihmeyer F. 1927. Some factors affecting the irrigation requirements of deciduous orchards. Hilgardia 2(6):125-291. DOI:10.3733/hilg.v02n06p125
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