University of California

Conserving California fish … Extension approaches applied to contentious marine-fisheries management issues


Christopher M. Dewees
Kristen Sortais
William S. Leet

Authors Affiliations

C.M. Dewees is Sea Grant Marine Fisheries Specialist, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis; K. Sortais is Research Associate, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis; W.S. Leet is Peer Review Coordinator, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 58(4):194-199. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p194. October 2004.

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We describe three creative collaborations between the California Sea Grant Extension Program (SGEP), the California Department of Fish and Game, the fishing industry and university researchers to improve marine fisheries management in California. These collaborations involved difficult and long-standing issues at a time when many fisheries are declining. The cases studied highlight SGEP's involvement in (1) implementing California's comprehensive marine-life management legislation, (2) helping the sea urchin industry identify goals and techniques to achieve them, and (3) using extension methodologies to enhance socioeconomic research related to management of the Dungeness crab fishery. Critical components of SGEP methods were trust, independence and nonadvo-cacy, a science-based approach, and effective communication. These characteristics are seldom found together among diverse participants involved in contentious fisheries-management situations. We demonstrate how extension programs can partner with constituents and agencies to improve the management and research process; this approach can be applied to the broad range of natural-resource issues facing the state.


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Dewees C, Sortais K, Leet W. 2004. Conserving California fish … Extension approaches applied to contentious marine-fisheries management issues. Hilgardia 58(4):194-199. DOI:10.3733/ca.v058n04p194
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