University of California

Tuolumne County shops capture local dollars


Nancy Feldman
Andrew Murray
Joan Wright
George Goldman

Authors Affiliations

N. Feldman is Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Advisor, Tuolumne/Stanislaus counties; A. Murray was Graduate Student Intern, California Communities Project, UC Davis; J. Wright is Cooperative Extension Specialist, Human and Community Development, UC Davis; G. Goldman is Cooperative Extension Economist, Department of Agricultural and Resoure Economics and Policy, UC Berkeley. The Tuolumne County Chamber and Commerce, the Economic Development Company of Tuolumne County, and the California Communities Project Graduate Internship Program provided partial funding for this research.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 54(6):61-65. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p61. November 2000.

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Tuolumne County retail merchants think that they are not capturing the lion's share of local sales, but they are! County residents do not go out of the county to shop as much as businesses think. A survey conducted in 1997 by the UC Cooperative Extension Office in Tuolumne County surveyed shoppers and checked perceptions of local business owners. The survey found that the proportion of money that is spent out of the county is not as high as businesses surmised. This follow-up to a similar study conducted in 1989 also showed that businesses are capturing more local dollars than they were 8 years earlier.


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Feldman N, Murray A, Wright J, Goldman G. 2000. Tuolumne County shops capture local dollars. Hilgardia 54(6):61-65. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p61
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