University of California

Analysis shows climate-caused decreases in Scott River fall flows


Daniel J. Drake
Kenneth W. Tate
Harry Carlson

Authors Affiliations

D.J. Drake is Livestock and Range Farm Advisor, UCCE Siskiyou County; K.W. Tate is Rangeland Watershed Specialist, Department of Agronomy and Range Science, UC Davis; Carlson is Farm Advisor, UCCE Modoc County and Superintendent, Intermountain Research and Extension Center.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 54(6):46-49. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p46. November 2000.

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Because of declining anadromous fisheries, resource managers are concerned about the timing and quantity of water flows in Northern California's Scott River. We analyzed 48 years of flow and precipitation data to improve our collective understanding of the Scott River fall flow regime and to provide information for current and future fisheries-restoration efforts. Fall flows are primarily controlled by the water content of snow and precipitation during the previous 12 months. These two factors account for nearly 80% of the variation in fall flows. Our analysis shows that downward trends in fall flows appear to be explained by a decrease in the water content of the snow falling on the Scott River watershed. This information will be useful in assessing the relative benefits of conservation and restoration strategies against the larger background of climate-caused changes in river flow.


California Rivers Assessment. Isohyetals. Information Center for the Environment. UC Davis 1997. http://endeavor.des.ucdavis.edu/newcara/

[DWR] California Department of Water Resources. Station Meta Database, Division of Flood Management. 1999a. http:// cdec.water.ca.gov/staMeta.html .

DWR. Snow Course Database, Division of Flood Management. 1999b. http:// cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/snowQuery .

[USGS] US Geological Survey. California NWIS-W Data Retrieval. 1999. http://h2o-nwisw.er.usgs.gov/nwis-w/CA/index.cgi .

Drake D, Tate K, Carlson H. 2000. Analysis shows climate-caused decreases in Scott River fall flows. Hilgardia 54(6):46-49. DOI:10.3733/ca.v054n06p46
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