University of California

Conventional, low-input and organic farming systems compared


Steven R. Temple
Oscar A. Somasco
Mary Kirk
Diana Friedman

Authors Affiliations

S.R. Temple is Extension Agronomist, UC Davis; O.A. Somasco was Research Manager and is now Agronomist, Argentina; M. Kirk was Research Manager and is now Horticulturist, Ithaca, NY; D. Friedman is Agronomist and Research manager of the SAFS project, UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 48(5):14-19. DOI:10.3733/ca.v048n05p14. September 1994.

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Cover-crop nitrogen supply and weed management were the most important challenges facing low-input and organic farming systems when compared to conventional systems in the first 4 years of the Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems project at UC Davis. Cover-crop timing and management using appropriate equipment were important for the success of transitional systems. The participation of local farmers ensured that optimal agricultural practices were used to manage all farming systems. Researchers regularly consulted grower-cooprators to determine “best farmer practices” of conventional, low-input and organic farming systems.

Temple S, Somasco O, Kirk M, Friedman D. 1994. Conventional, low-input and organic farming systems compared. Hilgardia 48(5):14-19. DOI:10.3733/ca.v048n05p14
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