University of California

Pest management alternatives needed: Delaney Clause ruling may trigger pesticide cancellations


Michael W. Stirnrnanri
Rick Melnicoe

Authors Affiliations

M.W. Stimmann is Statewide Pesticide Coordinator, UC Davis; R. Melnicoe is Regional Coordinator, Western Region IR-4IPIAP UC Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 48(1):30-35. DOI:10.3733/ca.v048n01p30. January 1994.

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As a result of a court ruling that the Delaney Clause must be strictly enforced, tolerances for some pesticides on processed foods and raw agricultural commodities may be revoked. According to the clause, no residue tolerances for pesticides shown to induce cancer may remain in processed food. Unless there is a significant change in law or policy, as many as 35 pesticide/commodity registrations will be canceled because EPA's current policy prohibits establishing a raw commodity tolerance if a tolerance on processed food is prohibited. If alternatives are not available, production of specific commodities may suffer.

Stirnrnanri M, Melnicoe R. 1994. Pest management alternatives needed: Delaney Clause ruling may trigger pesticide cancellations. Hilgardia 48(1):30-35. DOI:10.3733/ca.v048n01p30
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