University of California

Removing leaf litter doesn't protect oranges from frost


Richard L. Snyder
John E. Pehrson
Jerry L. Hatfield

Authors Affiliations

Richard L. Snyder is Extension Biometeorologist, Department of Land, Air, Water Resources, University of California, Davis; John E. Pehrson is Subtropical Horticulture Specialist, Cooperative Extension, San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Parlier; Jerry L. Hatfield is Assistant Professor of Biometeorology, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, U.C., Davis.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 35(11):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v035n11p12. November 1981.

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Raking litter from beneath the trees has little influenceon air temperature and is not recommended for frost protection.
Snyder R, Pehrson J, Hatfield J. 1981. Removing leaf litter doesn't protect oranges from frost. Hilgardia 35(11):12-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v035n11p12
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