University of California

Quality study on strawberries: Experiments with Shasta berries show harvested fruit should be protected against the effects of high field temperatures


E. C. Maxie
F. Gordon Mitchell
Arthur Greathead

Authors Affiliations

E. C. Maxie is Assistant Pomologist, University of California, Davis; F. Gordon Mitchell is Extension Marketing Technologist, University of California, Davis; Arthur Greathead is Farm Advisor, University of California, Monterey County.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 13(1):6-6. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n01p6. January 1959.

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The following article is the first of two reports on Quality Studies with Strawberries. The second article will appear in the near future.

Maxie E, Mitchell F, Greathead A. 1959. Quality study on strawberries: Experiments with Shasta berries show harvested fruit should be protected against the effects of high field temperatures. Hilgardia 13(1):6-6. DOI:10.3733/ca.v013n01p6
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