University of California

Broad bean weevil: Control of pest may restore the once important fava bean crop


Woodrow W. Middlekauff
R. H. Sciaroni

Authors Affiliations

Woodrow W. Middlekauff is Assistant Professor of Entomology, University of California College of Agriculture, Berkeley; R. H. Sciaroni is Farm Advisor, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, University of California College of Agriculture.

Publication Information

Hilgardia 5(1):7-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v005n01p7. January 1951.

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A drop in annual production from between 40,000 and 50,000 100-pound bags of broad–fava–beans in San Mateo County before 1920 to a total of 847 100-pound bags in 1949 was caused by the spread of the broad bean weevil, Bruchus rufimanus Boh. through the central coast area from San Francisco Bay south to San Luis Obispo.

Middlekauff W, Sciaroni R. 1951. Broad bean weevil: Control of pest may restore the once important fava bean crop. Hilgardia 5(1):7-13. DOI:10.3733/ca.v005n01p7
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